Monday, March 26, 2007

[MPM] - More about MPM Math

To know more about MPM Math and the system, please visit our online catalogue and use the slide show mode for better viewing.

MPM Introduction - English


[MPM] - 瞭解更多 MPM 數學


MPM introduction - Chinese


Thursday, March 22, 2007

[Mandarin] - Basic Chinese (Mandarin) Course

Free Session - Basic Mandarin
Class start from 4/4/2007, only 2 opens left!!
16 hours, 8 weeks
Group application is welcome!!

* Get yourself ready speaking Chinese.
* Special courses designed for travel, entertainment, business, pop culture, and classic Chinese culture.
* Have fun with real life Mandarin conversation.
* Learning Chinese charactors in an effective way.

Course Outline
1. Introduction - basic servival skills...
2. Food - dining out, order meals and drinks, secret of Chinese food
3. Shopping - know what you are paying for, in Chinese...
4. Pop Culture - music, movie, internet
5. Travel - move around in somewhere "no English"..
6. Business - basic business Chinese
7. Classic Culture - know something about Chinese poems and paintings
8. Chinese calligraphy - write Chinese with Chinese writing brush


Sunday, March 18, 2007

[MPM] - Math for Tomorrow

MPM 數學教室
Instructor:杜志中 Richard Tu

MPM=Multi Process Model多程序的學習方式加強孩子們的思考深度,多模式的訓練則可以讓孩子學習用不同的角度思考並解決問題,拓寬孩子的司考廣度。

MPM is a self-learning system personalized for each student. Through the PSL (Personalized System of Learning) approach, MPM students optimize their lerning independently, with deliberage minimal guidance by the instructor.



MPM believes that the primary step to learning math is to enjoy math. The system encourages students to develope multiple problem-solving skills. Through the self-learning process, students will able to understand the concepts and logic of math. We carry small class to offer best caring to each student.

Free trial session is available, please contact for more information.To apply for normal session or trial session, please click Application and fill out the form, we will contact you asap.
Contact:Richard Tu Tel:

更多MPM的資訊 More about MPM
MPM Math Official Website


[Art] - Art Instructor 簡美蘭

Art Instructor: 簡美蘭 Meilan Chien

Meilan Gallery

學生稱呼她為簡老師,咖啡音的客人稱她杜媽媽,她是我們的媽媽,小朋友的奶奶。廿歲時媽媽在台灣油畫及素描大師李石樵門下學畫,當時她是台北雙園國小的老師,接連幾年她都參加了教師美展,而校方總是以相當於一個月的薪水把媽媽的畫買下,對當時年輕的她而言是很大的鼓勵。生活的忙碌使媽媽沒有時間作畫。直到1989年媽媽因為要幫忙照顧姐姐的大兒子而退休,她才終於重拾畫筆。1989-1996之間,媽媽最常畫的就是花和天母的街。 移居溫哥華之後,媽媽開始比較有時間畫畫。班夫國家公園的景致、家門口的櫻花道、列治文的花園、甚至姐姐家屋頂上掛的一輪明月,都入了畫。決定開店之後,她畫了一系列和咖啡有關的油畫,咖啡音門口的景緻也是她寫生素描的對象。




Meilan, a teacher, a mother of 3, and a grandma of 4, had followed Taiwanese master Lee Shih-chiao study sketch and oil painting in her early years. As a young teacher, she constantly attended teachers' art campaigns and had won many prizes. The school authority always encouraged her with one month salary for her painting. It was an important support for this young lady 50 years ago, while Taiwan was still at early developing stage. However, the busy and hard life never allowed her to chase her art dream. Until 1989, Meilan retired from school after her first grandson was born, she got the chance to start painting again.

From 1989-1996, Meilan had work on subjects such as flowers, street of hometown Tienmu and Yang-ming Mountain. After moving to Vancouver (Surrey) in 1996, she was inspired by the splendid landscape in Canada. From Banff National Park, to Richmond Fisherman's Wharf and the sakura trees in Surrey, she fulfill her dream with hundreds of painting.

The family started a restaurant Cafe Andante in Surrey, and buildings around the store became Meilan's painting subjects. She has started to teach painting from the time.

Meilan established her sketching skills while studying with Master Lee Shih-chiao. Her color scheme has changed from the earthy tone in Taipei, to pastel Vancouver, to natural colored forests in Banff.We are trying to keep up with Meilan's steps and establish an online gallery for our dearest Mama.

目前開設課程如下 Current Art Lessons

Sun. 10:00-11:30 兒童繪畫營 Kid's Art Camp

Sat. 10:00-11:30 油畫基礎入門

Oli Painting 101


[Music] - Piano & Flute Instructor 杜志純

Instructor: Dorothy Tu 杜志純

目前在Surrey授課以個人教學為主, 內容包括鋼琴長笛視唱聽寫 可輔導皇家音樂檢定報名時間請參考Application進入Application後選取時間,再依資料填入即可。收到資料之後我們會儘快與您聯絡。

Experienced private instructor for piano, flute and music theory. Special session for RCM available.Please visit Application to select available time, and fill the application form. We will contact you asap.

[Andante Group] Andante Group創意教室

Andante Group of Creative Learning is established by a group of private tutors in Surrey (Vancouver), BC.

Andante Group 創意開發
  • 專業師資教授美術、音樂、MPM數學
  • 免費課程

Andante Group Creative Learning

  • Professional private instructors for art, music, and MPM math
    Music-Piano, flute
    Art-Oil painting, water color, sketches
    MPM-Self-learning concept in math
    Computer-Website building, ASP.NET tutor
  • Free Courses
    Basic Mandarin Free Session
    Buddism & Meditation

Surrey, BC